Original art, illustrations and handmade jewelry
inspired by nature and imagination


Brooches >>

Mugs >>





Handmade in the Netherlands

Each piece is carefully crafted in my studio in Zeewolde

Reactions from customers

" We're so terribly happy with the aquarel. Amazing. "Paula - The Netherlands

" Thank you, I’ve received the prints and I love them! 💜 and thank you for the gift 🫂 "Graziella - France

" It has become tradition at our company: every new ecological advisor colleague receives a handillustrated mug, with their favourite animal, insect or bird species. Isabelle makes it extra personal with her artistic touch. Thank you Isabelle! "Ecological consultant firm Habitus - The Netherlands

" Received a very special gift. Completely drawn by hand. Thank you! "Maureen - The Netherlands

" Hand delivery by @ikeiartstudio is 10/10 and the prints are 10/10 as well ✨✨ "Barbra - Czech Republic

Discover unique items

Visit the IKEI art shop

Upcoming events

(Date tbd) Christmas market - Zeewolde, The Netherlands

Originele kunst, illustraties en handgemaakte sieraden
geïnspireerd door de natuur en verbeelding


Broches >>

Mokken >>





Handgemaakt in Nederland

Elk werk wordt zorgvuldig en met liefde gemaakt in mijn atelier in Zeewolde

Wat klanten zeggen

" We zijn zo vreselijk blij met de aquarel. Geweldig. "Paula - Nederland

" Thank you, I’ve received the prints and I love them! 💜 and thank you for the gift 🫂 "Graziella - Frankrijk

" Inmiddels is het traditie geworden bij ons bedrijf: elke nieuwe collega adviseur ecologie ontvangt een handgeïllustreerde mok, met daarop zijn/haar favoriete diersoort, insect of vogel. Isabelle maakt het ook nog eens heel persoonlijk met haar artistieke touch. Dankjewel Isabelle! "Ecologisch adviesbureau Habitus - Nederland

" Een heel speciaal cadeau gekregen. Volledig met de hand gemaakt. Bedankt! "Maureen - Nederland

" Hand delivery by @ikeiartstudio is 10/10 and the prints are 10/10 as well ✨✨ "Barbra - Tsjechië

Ontdek unieke producten

Bezoek de IKEI art shop

Aankomende evenementen

(Datum nog te bepalen) Kerstmarkt - Zeewolde, Flevoland


IKEI art studio creates one-of-a-kind fabric brooches using different techniques such as embroidery, sewing, beadwork and painting. Every brooch has a unique design and is only created once.I use a technique that I developed and perfected over the years to create a wearable piece of art that's not only beautiful, but also durable and sturdy. Before finishing, the fabric is treated to repel fluids and dirt. This ensures you can enjoy your brooch for a long time.Brooches are packed in an individual jewelry box and accompanied by a poem, that expresses the special meaning of the artwork.If you want a unique piece of jewelry to add to your collection or to give as a gift, one of these brooches could just be the thing you're looking for.






UPCOMING EVENTS2024, December (date tbd) - Christmas Market @ Zeewolde, the Netherlands

2024, September - Art workshop @ Open Day Gaasperdam School Garden, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2023, September - Art workshop @ Open Day Gaasperdam School Garden, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2023, July - Art market @ The Harbor Days, Zeewolde, the Netherlands
2022, December - Christmas market @ Zeewolde, the Netherlands
2021, September - Exposition @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
2017, July - Exposition @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
2016, July - Exposition @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
2015, June - Exposition @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg, The Netherlands


AANKOMENDE EVENEMENTEN2024, december (datum wordt bepaald) - Kerstmarkt @ Zeewolde

2024, september - Tekenworkshop @ Open dag Gaasperdam Schooltuin, Amsterdam
2023, september - Tekenworkshop @ Open dag Gaasperdam Schooltuin, Amsterdam
2023, juli - Kunstmarkt @ De Havendagen, Zeewolde
2022, december - Kerstmarkt @ Zeewolde
2021, september - Expositie @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg
2017, juli - Expositie @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg
2016, juli - Expositie @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg
2015, juni - Expositie @ Kunst in Soesterberg, Soesterberg



I am Isabelle, the heart and hands behind IKEI art studio. My studio is based in Zeewolde, the Netherlands. It’s a small, but lively village located between a big forest, a lake and agricultural fields. When choosing the name for my art studio, I was looking for a word that could express how I feel when I look at nature. The name IKEI originates from the Japanese word for awe / admiration. I've been interested in Japanese culture and art for years. My interests in nature and Japanese culture meet in the name IKEI.

I've been drawing since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I always loved daydreaming and making that world in my mind a reality by putting it on paper. Now that I'm older, my arsenal of techniques has expanded and my methods have developed. I really enjoy trying out new techniques and materials, and combining them with what I already know. When I get an idea for an artwork, I think about the best method to express this idea. This can be a drawing, but also a hand-embroidered brooch, painting or other work. I often try to convey a certain feeling in my artwork. That's also why some pieces are accompanied by a poem. Besides being an artist, I am an ecologist specialized in plants. You will see my passion for nature reflected in my works.

While I’ve been creating for many years now, I decided to officially open IKEI art studio in 2023. This allows me to share my creations with more people and also to create meaningful custom pieces for those who are looking for an extra special gift.

I hope my work can spark a sense of awe in you. For both the natural world and craftmanship. I feel that if we as humans gave more attention to the natural world around us, we can discover a lot of small joys in day to day life. Give it a try and tell me what you find.

Wishing you well,


For general questions related to shipping and orders, please consult the FAQ. If you have any other questions or a specific inquiry regarding an order, please send me an e-mail and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. It’s also possible to reach out via DM on any of my social media channels (see below).

Check out the Commission page if you are interested in commissioning me for a custom artwork, mug or jewelry piece. It lists the process and possibilities. If you have any further questions or would like to inquire about commissioning, feel free to send me an e-mail or DM without obligation. I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.

I’d also love to receive any pictures of the things you ordered! It makes me happy to see my work in other people’s homes.

You can reach me via the following channels:


Sometimes you're looking for something a little different. Or you have an idea for a special anniversary gift, but you're not quite sure where to find it. In that case I can help you realize your idea.

From small adjustments to existing pieces to entirely new pieces especially designed and created for you, there is a myriad of possibilities.

Below are some examples of commissions I've worked on. If you want to discuss your idea, the timing or pricing feel free to contact me without obligation.

Commission examples

" We're so terribly happy with the aquarel. Amazing. "Paula - the Netherlands

" It has become tradition at our company: every new ecological advisor colleague receives a handillustrated mug, with their favourite animal, insect or bird species. Isabelle makes it extra personal with her artistic touch. Thank you Isabelle! "Ecological consultant firm Habitus - the Netherlands

" Received a very special gift. Completely drawn by hand. Thank you! "Maureen - the Netherlands


See below for Frequently Asked Questions. If you cannot find the information you need, feel free to reach out to me.

What countries do you ship to?
Shipping is set up for Europe (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Replublic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom) and the United States. Please contact me if you want shipping options for a different country.

What payment methods do you accept?
You can pay with iDeal (Netherlands), Bancontact (Belgium), EPS (Austria), Giropay (Germany), Przelewy24 (Poland), BLIK (Poland), Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link and creditcard (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, China UnionPay).

Do I get an order confirmation?
An automatic order confirmation will be sent to you after you place an order. I will also contact you to confirm the shipment and provide the tracking number. If you have any questions about your order, you can always contact me.

Can I change my order?
If you'd like to make changes to your order or cancel your order, please contact me as soon as possible. When your package has been registered for shipping it is no longer possible to make changes.

How are art prints shipped?
All art prints are packaged in a waterproof sleeve and sent in a sturdy cardboard envelope to prevent damages or folding.

Terms of service

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or consult the FAQ.

1 DEFINITIONS1. IKEI art studio: the one-man business IKEI art studio, established in Zeewolde, The Netherlands, Chamber of Commerce number: 90070879.
2. The customer: the natural or legal person who enters into an agreement with IKEI art studio.
3. Terms of service: the whole of the provisions as included below.
4. Services and products: all services that IKEI art studio performs for the customer, including selling products via an online web store and via markets and making products to order.
5. Agreement: the agreement between IKEI art studio and the customer.
6. Information: data provided by the customer.
7. Private customer: the natural person who does not act on behalf of his profession or his company.
8. Business customer: the natural or legal person who acts on behalf of his profession or company.
9. Written: by letter, e-mail, and digital reporting, including tweets and private messages on the social media platforms where IKEI art studio is active.
10. Confidential information: all financial, business and personal data entered, processed and stored by the customer and/or IKEI art studio.
11. Website: www.ikeiartstudio.com and shop.ikeiartstudio.com.

2 APPLICABILITY1. These terms of service apply to all offers, orders, quotes issued, distance agreements concluded between IKEI art studio and the customer, services provided, products delivered and other actions performed by IKEI art studio, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
2. When the customer signs an agreement or assignment confirmation, places an order via the IKEI art studio website or webshop, or sends an agreement message via e-mail or other digital communication, the customer declares that they have taken note of these terms of service and that they agree to these terms.
3. In the event of a conflict between these terms of service and the agreed arrangements made in an agreement, the agreement made will take precedence.
4. These terms of service also apply to actions of third parties and/or suppliers hired by IKEI art studio for the execution of the delivery or service.
5. Any terms of service of the customer are rejected by using these terms of service.

3 QUOTATIONS AND OFFERS1. Quotations from IKEI art studio are valid for the period indicated in the quotation. If no term is specified, the quotation is valid for 30 days after the date on which the quotation was issued. If the customer does not accept an offer or quotation within the applicable term, the offer or quotation will be cancelled.
2. IKEI art studio will indicate in the quotation which services are offered and what amounts the customer owes upon acceptance of the quotation. The prices stated in the quotation apply to the period and services stated in the quotation, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing. As soon as the customer accepts the offer, a payment obligation arises.
3. If it turns out that the information provided by the customer with the application or agreement was incorrect, IKEI art studio has the right to adjust the relevant prices and conditions.
4. IKEI art studio reserves the right to request a deposit of at least 50% before IKEI art studio will carry out the assignment or deliver the products.
5. All prices communicated by IKEI art studio are amounts in euros, including VAT for individuals and excluding VAT for companies, excluding shipping costs and other established levies and/or fees, unless expressly stated otherwise.
6. Offers do not automatically apply to follow-up orders.
7. IKEI art studio reserves the right to change their prices.
8. IKEI art studio is not liable and/or responsible for errors in the quotation if the customer could reasonably understand that the quotation, or a part thereof, contains an obvious mistake, clerical error or typing error.
9. Agreements about deadlines are made in writing in the quotation. If delivery by IKEI art studio depends on feedback or input from the customer, IKEI art studio is never liable for delays during the execution of the assignment. IKEI art studio is then entitled to unilaterally shift the deadline.
10. If changes occur with regard to the circumstances on which IKEI art studio relied when issuing the quote, the assignment or any other agreement, then IKEI art studio is authorized to implement these changes in the execution of the agreement or adjust the prices.

4 OFFER, AGREEMENT AND ADDITIONAL WORK1. The agreement is made from the moment that the customer communicates their acceptance of the offer to IKEI art studio in any way, including the acceptance of the offer via e-mail or other digital communication, and by placing an order via the webshop. The offer contains a description of the products and/or services. Mistakes or errors in the offer (on images) do not bind IKEI art studio.
2. After an agreement has been concluded, it can only be changed with mutual approval.
3. After an agreement has been made, in writing or by e-mail, IKEI art studio will proceed with the execution of the services within a reasonable time. If the customer has accepted the offer electronically, IKEI art studio will immediately confirm receipt of the acceptance of the offer electronically.
4. Changes to the originally made agreement between the customer and IKEI art studio are only valid from the moment that these changes have been accepted by both parties by means of an additional or amended written agreement.
5. If the customer wishes to dissolve the agreement with IKEI art studio, they only have this right if they proceed to pay IKEI art studio for the work performed up to that point and pay the possible costs already incurred by any purchase of products. If the customer wishes to cancel the agreement before the start of the execution of the assignment, IKEI art studio is entitled to have the customer pay a compensation of 30% of the fee agreed in the order confirmation.
6. If IKEI art studio, due to circumstances unknown at the time of the quotation or order confirmation, has to perform more work than agreed in the quotation or order confirmation, IKEI art studio is entitled to charge the customer with the resulting additional costs. If the customer objects to the additional costs that IKEI art studio wishes to charge, the customer has the right to cancel the part of the assignment that has not yet been carried out in connection with additional work, whereby the customer is obliged to pay IKEI art studio for the work performed so far. The compensation is at all times at least 30% of the agreed quotation amount.

5 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS IKEI art studio1. IKEI art studio guarantees that the agreed assignment will be carried out to the best of their ability, with due care and professionalism.
2. IKEI art studio makes every effort to secure the data that IKEI art studio stores for the customer in such a way that this data is not available to unauthorized persons.
3. In the event of complaints made by the customer about the services and/or products delivered, IKEI art studio must consult with the customer about a solution that is suitable for both parties.
4. IKEI art studio is entitled to publish the customer's first name and location for promotional purposes on the website or social media channels of IKEI art studio and/or other promotional communications.
5. IKEI art studio is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information that they have obtained during the collaboration or from another source in the context of the agreement between the customer and IKEI art studio. Information is regarded as confidential if this has been communicated by the other party or if this appears from the standards of reasonableness and fairness.

6 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS FOR THE CUSTOMER, RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL1. The customer must in principle adhere to the provisions laid down in these terms of service, unless agreed otherwise.
2. The customer must provide IKEI art studio with all correct data that the customer can reasonably foresee are necessary for the correct execution of the agreement. The customer is in any case obliged to inform IKEI art studio immediately of changes in personal data, company data or other information requested by IKEI art studio.
3. If, as an exception to Article 6.2, the information required for the execution of the agreement has not been provided to IKEI art studio in time, IKEI art studio has the right to suspend the execution of the agreement and/or to charge the extra costs resulting from the delay to the customer.
4. The customer always immediately informs IKEI art studio in writing of any changes in name, address, e-mail and, if requested, his/her bank account number.
5. The customer must make backup copies of all materials/data as described in article 6.2 that IKEI art studio needs for the execution of the agreement. In case of loss of these materials/data, IKEI art studio is not liable for the resulting damage.
6. In the event of complaints about the services and/or products provided by IKEI art studio, the customer must make these complaints known to IKEI art studio within 7 days after delivery of the service and/or product, but no later than 60 days. IKEI art studio strives to process the complaint within 10 working days. If this does not lead to a solution, then it is possible to hire a mediator. It is also possible to register the complaint via the ODR platform of the European Commission, via this
link. If the complaint has not yet been dealt with elsewhere, the customer is free to deposit the complaint via the platform of the European Union. The customer indemnifies IKEI art studio for one year after delivery of all legal claims in connection with delivered products and/or services.
7. The private customer can dissolve an agreement relating to the purchase of a standard product within 14 days without giving reasons. IKEI art studio may ask for the reason for withdrawal, but may not oblige the customer to give the reason for dissolution.
8. The cooling-off period referred to in Article 6.7 commences on the day that the customer has received the product. During the cooling-off period, the customer will handle the product and the packaging of the product with care. The customer may only view and use the product as they would in a store.
9. If the customer makes use of the right of withdrawal, they will report this to IKEI art studio within the cooling-off period. After the notification that the customer wishes to return the product, the customer has another 14 days to actually return the product. The risk and costs for the return shipment are borne by the customer. After receipt of the returned product by IKEI art studio, the customer will receive a refund of the product costs within 5 days.
10. If the customer makes use of the right of withdrawal, all additional agreements will be dissolved by operation of law.
11. The risk and the burden of proof for the correct and timely exercise of the right of withdrawal lie with the customer. Return packages with no or too little postage are not accepted.
12. IKEI art studio can exclude products from the right of withdrawal, this will be indicated to the customer with the offer and again in good time before concluding the agreement. Products eligible for exclusion are:
a. Products that are personalized or commissioned for the customer
13. If the shipped package appears damaged upon receipt, the customer the must leave the package unopened and take photos of the damaged package. The customer then contacts IKEI art studio within five days of receiving the package with the delivered products. As soon as the customer opens the package without approval of IKEI art studio, or contacts IKEI art studio too late, the customer can no longer claim any guarantees.

7 DELIVERY AND DELIVERY TIME1. The delivery time and delivery date varies per order and is determined in consultation with the customer. The delivery time specified by IKEI art studio starts after the conclusion of the agreement and after receipt of all necessary data and/or materials from the customer. IKEI art studio will execute orders within 1-2 working days, unless a different delivery period has been agreed and depending on stock.
2. The customer is obliged to do what is necessary to enable timely delivery by IKEI art studio, including timely providing complete, correct and clear information as stipulated in Article 6.2.
3. If the customer does not make the necessary information available to IKEI art studio or does not do so in time and the execution of the order is delayed as a result, the resulting additional costs will be borne by the customer.
4. The delivery obligation of IKEI art studio will be fulfilled, subject to evidence to the contrary, as soon as the goods delivered by IKEI art studio have been offered to the customer once.
5. In the unlikely event that the performance of the agreed services by IKEI art studio causes a delay, IKEI art studio will inform the customer of this as soon as possible.
6. If the customer informs IKEI art studio of the possible postponement of the assignment accepted by IKEI art studio, IKEI art studio will invoice the customer for the costs already incurred regarding fees and the costs related to the purchase at suppliers. The customer is obliged to reimburse these costs to IKEI art studio.
7. In the unlikely event that the delivery is delayed by PostNL / DPD / DHL, IKEI art studio applies a waiting period of 5 days. Within this period, IKEI art studio will investigate the delivery at the delivery service and inform the customer as soon as possible of changes in the situation.
8. Delivered products are deemed to comply with the agreement in case of normal and minimal deviations, variations or differences in execution. The same applies to color differences and dimensions.
9. Deliveries are not made on weekends and public holidays such as New Year's Day, Easter, Pentecost, Ascension Day, Good Friday, King's Day and Christmas. This list is not exhaustive.

8 PAYMENT1. The payment obligation of the customer commences on the day the agreement is made.
2. All invoices sent by IKEI art studio must be paid within 14 days, unless agreed otherwise in writing. IKEI art studio reserves the right to postpone the execution of the agreement until payment of the invoice has been received. Payment of orders via the webshop are fulfilled immediately.
3. If the customer does not meet their payment obligation in time, the customer will be in default by operation of law without further notice of default being required.
4. In the event of late payment, IKEI art studio may decide to temporarily suspend its activities until the moment of payment.
5. In the event of late payment, the customer, in addition to the amount due plus the statutory (commercial) interest, is obliged to pay full compensation for both extrajudicial and judicial collection costs, which amount to at least 15% of the invoice amount with a minimum of €150. - excluding VAT amounts and including the costs for lawyers, lawyers, bailiffs, collection agencies and any legal proceedings before the court or court of appeal. The statutory collection costs apply to private customers.
6. The claim for payment is immediately due and payable in the event that the customer is declared bankrupt, applies for suspension of payment, or if the customer's assets are seized in full, the customer dies and furthermore, if the customer goes into liquidation or is dissolved.
7. In the above cases, IKEI art studio also has the right to terminate or suspend the execution of the agreement or any part thereof that has not yet been performed, without notice of default or judicial intervention, and without the customer being entitled to compensation for damage that may arise as a result.
8. The customer agrees that IKEI art studio invoices electronically. If the customer wishes to receive an invoice by post, IKEI art studio reserves the right to charge additional costs of € 2 per invoice.
9. The customer can make objections to the invoices sent by IKEI art studio in writing to IKEI art studio no later than 7 days after the invoice date. After receipt of the objection, IKEI art studio will investigate the correctness of the invoice amount. Objections to sent invoices do not suspend the customer's payment obligation.
10. All products and services delivered by IKEI art studio remain the property of IKEI art studio until all amounts owned by the customer to IKEI art studio have been paid.

1. All intellectual property rights to all documentation, offers, courses, workshops, instruments and images developed or made available in the context of the services are vested exclusively in IKEI art studio, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
2. The products supplied by IKEI art studio may never be reproduced or resold, in whole or in part, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
3. The content of the website and webshop, including but not limited to: the texts, images, videos, design, brands and domain names, are the property of IKEI art studio or have been placed on the website or webshop with the permission of the entitled owner and are protected by copyright and intellectual or industrial property rights existing under applicable law. Users of the website or webshop are not permitted to reproduce or make available the website or webshop or any part
thereof without the permission of IKEI art studio.
4. All copyrights and intellectual property on products of the human mind developed by IKEI art studio are and remain the exclusive property of IKEI art studio.
5. Any act in violation of Articles 9.2 and 9.3 is regarded as copyright infringement.
6. In the event of infringement, IKEI art studio is entitled to compensation amounting to at least twice the license fee charged by it for such a form of use without losing the right to any compensation.

1. Every agreement between IKEI art studio and the customer can be characterized as a best efforts agreement. IKEI art studio can therefore never be held liable for results not achieved.
2. In the unlikely event that IKEI art studio is held liable as stipulated in Article 10.1, any liability is limited to compensation for direct damage up to a maximum of 2 times the price stipulated for that agreement (excluding VAT). This amount will never exceed €2500 and will in any case at all times be limited to a maximum of the amount that the insurer pays out to IKEI art studio in the relevant case.
When there is a continuing performance contract, all liability is limited to compensation for direct damage up to the amount of the last invoice paid by the customer.
3. In addition to Article 10.2, IKEI art studio is then only liable for direct damage. Direct damage is exclusively understood to mean:
a. The reasonable costs for determining the cause and extent of the damage, insofar as the determination relates to damage within the meaning of these terms of service;
b. Any reasonable costs incurred to have the defective performance of IKEI art studio comply with the agreement, insofar as these can be attributed to IKEI art studio;
c. Reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit damage, insofar as the customer demonstrates that these costs have led to limitation of direct damage as referred to in this article.
4. IKEI art studio excludes any liability for indirect damage suffered by the use of products and/or
services supplied by IKEI art studio, with the exception of situations in which the damage is due to intent on the part of IKEI art studio.
5. IKEI art studio is in any case never liable for: consequential damage, damage due to missed savings, damage due to business interruption, lost profit and for damage caused by loss of data during the execution of the agreement.
6. In addition, IKEI art studio is never liable for losses suffered by the customer in the event that a delivery cannot be delivered. IKEI art studio depends on its suppliers.
7. The customer indemnifies IKEI art studio against all claims for compensation that third parties may make with regard to damage that has arisen in any way as a result of the unlawful or careless use of the products and services of IKEI art studio supplied to the customer.

11 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICES AND FORCE MAJEURE1. IKEI art studio is not bound by its obligations under the agreement if fulfillment has become impossible due to force majeure. If the force majeure continues for a period of 30 days, both parties are entitled to dissolve the agreement. What has already been presented under the agreement will then be settled pro rata, without either party owing each other anything else.
2. In its activities, IKEI art studio depends on the cooperation, services and supplies of third parties, over which IKEI art studio has little or no influence. IKEI art studio can therefore in no way be heldliable for any damage whatsoever arising from a situation in which the shortcoming is due to a third party with whom IKEI art studio has entered into an agreement.
3. In these terms of service, force majeure is understood to mean any circumstance independent of the will of IKEI art studio - even if this could already be foreseen at the time the agreement was concluded - that permanently or temporarily prevents compliance with the agreement, including but is not exclusively understood: strike, excessive absenteeism of IKEI art studio, transport difficulties, fire, government measures, epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, terrorism, business failures at IKEI art studio, non-performance by suppliers of IKEI art studio as a result of which IKEI art studio cannot fulfill its obligations towards the customer, as well as other serious disruptions in the business of IKEI art studio or its suppliers. In addition, force majeure includes everything that has been adopted in this regard by law and jurisprudence.
4. In the event of force majeure, IKEI art studio has the option of extending the term of delivery by the duration of the force majeure or to dissolve the agreement, insofar as it has not yet been performed, without IKEI art studio being obliged to pay in any way whatsoever. of any compensation, except pursuant to the provisions of Section 78, Book 6 of the Dutch Civil Code.

12 AGREEMENT DURATION, TERMINATION AND CANCELLATION1. The agreement is entered into for a definite period of time, unless the quotation dictates otherwise or if the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
2. The customer does not have the right to prematurely terminate the agreement, aside from the conditions mentioned in these terms of service.
3. Both parties, both the customer and IKEI art studio, are only authorized to dissolve the agreement if the other party fails imputably in the fulfillment of the essential obligations under the agreement.
This authority only accrues to the customer and IKEI art studio after a proper and as detailed as possible written notice of default, whereby a reasonable term is set for remedying the shortcoming.
4. As an exception to the provisions of Article 8.3, IKEI art studio can terminate the agreement fully or partially without notice of default and without judicial intervention by notifying the customer in writing in cases where urgent reasons arise, including (not exclusively) in any of the following cases:
a. The customer is granted (provisional) suspension of payment;
b. Bankruptcy is requested or declared in respect of the customer;
c. There is a suspicion that the customer will not be able to meet his or her payment obligation upon renewal of the agreement;
d. The customer acts contrary to public order or morality, or contrary to any obligation arising from the agreement with IKEI art studio;
e. The customer infringes the rights of third parties;
f. The customer acts contrary to reasonable guidelines or instructions from IKEI art studio;
g. The customer does not respond to correspondence by e-mail, telephone, private message via social media and/or letters;
h. For recurring payment problems.
5. IKEI art studio will never be obliged to pay any compensation due to this termination, as stipulated in Article 12.4.
6. If the customer has already received services for the execution of the agreement at the time of the dissolution as referred to in Articles 12.3 and 12.4, these services and the related payment obligation will not be subject to cancellation. Amounts that IKEI art studio has invoiced before the dissolution in connection with what it has already performed or delivered for the implementation of the agreement, remain due in full with due observance of the provisions of the previous sentence and become immediately due and payable at the time of dissolution.
7. In case of cancellation, the customer is also obliged to pay down payments from third parties and suppliers to IKEI art studio.
8. IKEI art studio reserves the right to change its terms of service, also for existing agreements. If IKEI art studio changes the terms of service, it will inform the customer. The customer is then free to dissolve the agreement from the moment the new terms of service become valid or up to a maximum of seven days after the new terms of service become applicable.

13 CONFORMITY1. IKEI art studio will strive for the intended result agreed in the offer as much as possible in the execution of the agreement. If, in the opinion of the customer, the delivered results do not correspond to the intended result agreed in the quotation, the customer and IKEI art studio will consult to ensure that the delivered goods still meet the intended results.
2. In addition to what is stipulated in Article 13.1, the costs for additional work as referred to in that article will be invoiced to the customer in accordance with the normal rate of IKEI art studio, unless the customer can demonstrate plausibly in the opinion of IKEI art studio that the deviations in the result are due to the defective implementation of the agreement on the part of IKEI art studio.
3. Should it be established that the defect in the services to be provided by IKEI art studio is at the expense of IKEI art studio, the customer is not entitled to compensation or dissolution of the agreement, except as stipulated in these terms of service.

14 OTHER PROVISIONS AND APPLICABLE LAW1. If any provision of these terms of service is null and void or is nullified, the other provisions of these terms of service will remain in full force and IKEI art studio and the customer will enter into consultations in order to agree on new provisions to replace the null and void or nullified provisions in which the purpose and purport of the invalid or voided provision are taken into account as much as possible.
2. If the customer includes provisions or conditions in their assignment that deviate from, or do not appear in these terms of service, these are only binding for IKEI art studio if and insofar as they have been expressly accepted in writing by IKEI art studio.
3. If IKEI art studio deviates from the terms of service on its own initiative in favor of the customer, the customer can never derive any rights from this.
4. Any purchase conditions or other conditions of the customer do not apply.
5. Rights and obligations arising from an agreement can only be transferred by the customer to a third party if IKEI art studio has given written permission for this.
6. All legal relationships to which IKEI art studio is a party are governed exclusively by Dutch law.
7. The customer and IKEI art studio will first try to settle any disputes in mutual consultation and amicably before appealing to the courts.
8. If mandatory rules do not stipulate otherwise, the competent court in the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands is in the first instance authorized to take cognizance of disputes between IKEI art studio and the customer.

Last change date: July 2023

Privacy policy

IKEI art studio, situated in Zeewolde, is responsible for the processing of personal data as mentioned in this privacy statement.
When you use the website of IKEI art studio or contact me, you sometimes share personal data. Personal data are data that can be linked to you, like your name, address or phone number. IKEI art studio handles this data with care and adheres to the applicable laws and regulations. In this privacy statement you can find which data I collect for which purposes and how long this data will be saved.
If you have any questions or remarks about your privacy, please contact me.

Personal data
IKEI art studio processes your personal data when you use my services or because you provide them to me. Below you’ll find an overview of the personal data I might process.
First and last name
Phone number
E-mail address
Other personal data you provide, for instance while corresponding with me
Payment information

Special or sensitive personal data
IKEI art studio does not collect any special or sensitive personal data like race, sexuality or religion.

Personal data of people younger than 16 years old
IKEI art studio does not intend to collect data about website visitors under the age of 16, unless they have permission from their parents or guardian. However, it is not possible to check whether a visitor is older than 16 years. If you are convinced that I have collected data from a minor without the consent of the parent or guardian, please contact me at ikeiartstudio@gmail.com. Then, if possible, I will delete this information.

Why do I collect data?
IKEI art studio collects your personal data for the following purposes:
- To execute the agreement
- To process your payment
- To send you the newsletter if you registered for it
- To be able to call or e-mail you if this is necessary to carry out my services
- To inform you about changes to my services or products
- To deliver goods and services to you
- IKEI art studio also processes personal data if I’m legally obliged to do so, such as data that I need for my tax return.

Automated decision making
IKEI art studio does not use any form of automated decision making.

Retention period of personal data
IKEI art studio does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which your data is collected. I use the following retention periods for the following (categories) of personal data:
- Personal data and order history. This data will be deleted 5 years after the last contact.
- Emails will be deleted after 5 years, unless they are still relevant for the execution of an agreement or resolution of a dispute.
- Invoices and quotations are deleted after the legal retention period of 7 years.
- You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.
- Reviews will be removed upon request.

Sharing your data with third parties
IKEI art studio does not sell your information to third parties and only provides it if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation. I conclude a processing agreement with companies that process your data on my behalf to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. IKEI art studio remains responsible for these processing operations.

Your rights
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by IKEI art studio. Additionally, you have the right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request to me to send the personal data I hold about you in a computer file to you or another organization mentioned by you. You can send a request for access, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or request for withdrawal of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to ikeiartstudio@gmail.com.
When you want to view the personal data, I will request proof of identity to ensure that the request for inspection has been made by you. In some cases this can mean that I will ask you to enclose a copy of your proof of identity with the request. This rule is in place to protect your privacy. I will respond to your request as soon as possible, but within four weeks. I would also like to point out that you have the option of submitting a complaint to the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This can be done via the following link (website in Dutch): https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons

Security of personal data
IKEI art studio takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of abuse, please contact our customer service via ikeiartstudio@gmail.com

Contact details
See the Contact page.